Born in Elkhart, Indiana, Wenda Habenicht grew up in Boulder, Colorado and graduated from Beloit College in Wisconsin before moving to New York City to earn her MFA at Columbia University. While living in Brooklyn, New York, she created numerous works of architecturally and/or anthropomorphically derived sculpture, often participatory and many of which were sited outdoors. Wenda built her first large-scale, outdoor, sited work in 1982 at The Midwest Coast, Art and Agriculture in Caledonia, Illinois and continued to build and exhibit sculpture in the United States and Canada. After a twenty-two year hiatus from making art, Wenda started taking photographs in 2012 and began developing her series of digital photographic diptychs. Several years later, she returned to building smaller scale sculpture and creating works on paper.
Wenda Habenicht currently lives and works in South Worcester, NY.